Depiction of an IT professional in Ukraine

 Description of an IT specialist in Ukraine

The IT sphere in Ukraine over the past 20 years has developed quite intensively and has become one of the leading and most advanced areas in the country, and everything, in my opinion, is thanks to specialists. Obviously, since the 2000s, the IT sector in Ukraine has been developing and becoming more in demand, as well as specialists working in the IT field, and if we compare the characteristics of an IT specialist over the past 20 years, we can notice some changes.


It can be a bit difficult to say anything about the qualities of an IT specialist in Ukraine because every person is an individual. However, according to some patterns, the majority of IT specialists in Ukraine have such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness, purposefulness, punctuality, creativity and the ability to work in a team. Definitely, this is only a part of the advantages that Ukrainian IT specialists have.

The quality of IT specialists in Ukraine has experienced only a significant improvement compared to the 2000s. I want to emphasize that Ukrainian IT specialists have become even more motivated, purposeful and ambitious. They know what they need and many of them, despite the possibility of greater prospects in other countries, prefer to stay in Ukraine in order to benefit their country. Loyalty to their homeland is also one of the advantages of Ukrainian IT specialists.


The skills of IT specialists are very extensive. As a rule, a developer knows not one, but several programming languages, understand the embedded sphere and also knows at least the basics of network communication. They are not narrowly focused specialists. Quite the contrary, they are generalists and are able to adapt to work in any company.

Over the years, IT specialists have become more advanced and compared to those who worked 20 years ago, today's specialists definitely have more useful skills and are more universal.


In Ukraine, there are many higher education institutions that can provide a decent education. It is difficult for me to make an assessment of Ukrainian universities, but I can say the opinions of those people who have studied at these universities for several years. In most Ukrainian universities, there was and remains the same problem. Teachers have remained since the times of the USSR and do not currently have practice in the IT field, although they teach subjects in which practice is extremely important. However, despite the problems in teaching IT areas, Ukraine has a huge number of talented and promising IT professionals. Perhaps they did not receive proper education at the university, but they were able to independently learn their profession and become highly qualified specialists. The training of IT specialists does not end at the university, because the IT field is developing very quickly and people who have gone into this direction will have to study all their lives. And for the most part, they have to do it on their own.

There has been some progress in the education of Ukrainian specialists over the past couple of decades. There are many schools and courses that help to take the first steps in IT, no matter how old the student is. Many children of secondary school age attend such educational institutions in order to understand their interest in this area. And many adults use more advanced schools to avoid going to university and gain basic skills for work. Universities are becoming more modern every year in terms of the curriculum and getting rid of unnecessary subjects and making the training of future IT specialists extremely essential.


I would also like to note the progress in gender relations. Previously, there were very few women in the ranks of IT professionals. Over the years, the percentage of women in IT has grown, but I don't think it's much. Almost 10 years ago, my sister entered a Ukrainian university as an IT specialist and in her course, the ratio of men and women was 1 to 10, in favour of men. To date, the indicator has changed and now women in the IT field can be found much more often.


Overall, today in Ukraine, the IT sector is being developed by excellent specialists. Proof of this will be a huge number of developments that have been made, including the Ukrainian electronic service of public services - Diia (Ukrainian: Дія, English: Action; also an acronym for Ukrainian: Держава і Я, English: State and Me). A huge number of IT specialists work on this service, who improve it every day and make its work more universal and more extensive, adding many functions to it. Among these features is access to electronic documents and certificates of every citizen of Ukraine, access to the state assistance card, as well as access to a permanent news broadcast, which was introduced quite recently.

The IT sphere in Ukraine, as in most countries of the world, is in fact one of the most prestigious and highly paid, and specialists are very talented and smart people. Their characteristic gives them the opportunity to make great discoveries and achievements in their homeland and they will do them and develop the IT-sphere for the benefit of their country.



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