Cybersecurity assessment in Ukraine with a "Mitnick formula"

Description of cybersecurity in Ukraine using a "Mitnick formula"



Talking about protection technologies, it is better to make an example.

In 2009, Zillya! antivirus was released by a Ukrainian antivirus company. Today they provide different security services such as antivirus for business, internet security, total security and just antivirus.

Antivirus for Business provides comprehensive protection for the organization against all types of cyber threats with the ability to centrally manage the antivirus.

Zilla! Internet Security is designed to proactively protect the Internet. Includes features such as antivirus, firewall, anti-phishing, antispam, optimizer and virtual keyboard.

Zilla! Total Security provides protection and at the same time contains a computer control system. Zillya! Total Security includes a firewall, anti-phishing, anti-spam, optimizer, process managers and autorun.

Classic antivirus Zillya! provides protection against cyber threats thanks to modern proactive protection technologies. Among the functions of the antivirus, there is mail filtering.

Antivirus Zilla! you can buy at reasonable prices and get good protection, which makes the product quite in demand on the Ukrainian market. Also, it is worth noting that this antivirus is used by several city-state administrations in Ukraine, as well as the highest administrative court. I believe this shows the reliability of this application.




In general, I can say that there is a certain problem in training. The issue is that people do not take cyberattacks seriously until they become victims of it. Most of the population of Ukraine is being led to email phishing attacks, getting viruses from unsafe websites and using dangerous networks. This is all rather irresponsible, but none of these people even knows about the real danger that cyber-attacks bring with them. 

However, in recent years, some progress can be seen: people download antiviruses, set passwords, and are suspicious of messages with ambiguous content.




In 2021, the final version of the “Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine” was approved by the current President of Ukraine. Specialists from the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and private IT specialists specializing in cybersecurity issues will be involved in the development of the strategy. There are certain strategic goals that must be achieved during the implementation of the strategy. These goals are divided into those related to deterrence, cyber resilience and interoperability.


To build deterrence capacity, the following strategic goals need to be achieved:

1. Effective cyber defence;

2. Effective counteraction to reconnaissance and sabotage activities in cyberspace and cyberterrorism

3. Effective fight against cybercrime

4. Development of asymmetric deterrence tools


To achieve cyber resilience, the following strategic goals must be achieved:

1. National cyber readiness and strong cyber defence

2. Professional development, cyber knowledge society and scientific and technical support of cyber security

3. Secure digital services


To improve interaction, it is necessary to achieve the following strategic goals:

1. Strengthening the coordination system

2. Formation of a new model of relations in the field of cybersecurity

3. Pragmatic international cooperation


I would like to add that about a year ago, the launch of the Presidential University project was announced, which should produce highly qualified specialists in the future. The Presidential University plans to train specialists in the most modern and most demanded areas in the future: IT, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology and health sciences and the like. It is believed that this university will produce people who will work for the good of the country and develop the state in all modern directions. The inclusion of cybersecurity in the list of specialities indicates that the government believes that cybersecurity is important, finds certain problems in it today and plans to develop this direction.

At the moment, I can make a short comment about cybersecurity in Ukraine. She's not perfect. This is evidenced by the frequent attacks on government applications and websites. But we can say with accuracy that this direction is developing, they are working on it and are trying in every possible way to improve it.





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