Examples of good and bad designs of ergonomic devices

Good and bad designs of ergonomic devices

Ergonomics has recently gained great popularity and every day we meet with different ergonomic devices that make our lives easier and sometimes, on the contrary, complicate it and create problems. In this blog post, will be elaborated examples of good and bad ergonomics design, in IT and in everyday life.


Examples of Ergonomic IT Devices

Good design: Wireless headphones


The most important advantage of wireless headphones is the absence of wires, which means providing convenience during operation. If there are no wires, then they do not get confused, do not cling to clothes, do not tear. Other than that, wireless headphones have their own storage, can be controlled using touch sensors, and usually have better sound quality.


Bad design: Robot vacuum cleaner


On the one hand, it may seem that a robot vacuum cleaner should not be a bad IT ergonomic device because it has a huge number of advantages, but at the same time, this device has a large number of disadvantages and requires many improvements and improvements.

The robot vacuum cleaner is not universal and is not suitable for every room. Somewhere there is only carpet, somewhere there are a lot of chairs and somewhere also stairs that are obstacles for the vacuum cleaner. There are also animals that can harm the device and there can be a heavy object in the apartment when cleaning it can hit the robot and damage it. Definitely, each room is individual and if a person wants to use a robotic vacuum cleaner in his apartment, then he will be forced to remove and isolate everything that can interfere with his work. This already makes the robot vacuum cleaner not quite ergonomic.


Examples of ergonomic devices from everyday life


Good design: Document holder

The document holder is a fairly simple, but very convenient ergonomic device. It has a double level of ergonomic design. The main purpose of the document holder itself is ergonomic. You use a document holder to place the paper on it so you can either read it or look at it to copy to your computer.

The document holder is usually placed between the screen and the keyboard. This helps to minimize excessive head and neck movements. Neck pain, eye strain and discomfort are reduced and productivity is improved. It is adjustable in height, has several available positions with different height ranges. Also, this device is lightweight and can be fully folded, which means it is suitable for office use or mobile applications.


Bad Design: Shopping basket


It may seem that it is not clear what the grocery basket does here because it makes life easier for us since we do not need to carry food in our hands or in foreign bags. But at the same time, I can say that the design of the shopping cart is very ill-conceived.

The problem with this ergonomic device is that there is only one handle and it is located in the middle of the shopping basket. Consequently, the basket does not maintain balance and, if a large amount accumulates on one side, it may break.














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